Thursday, March 29, 2012

8 flute T type Single-Angle Chamfering Cutter.

BW High Precision 8 flute T type Single-Angle Chamfering Cutter. BW High Precision 8 flute T type Single-Angle Chamfering Cutter.
  • Product:BW High Precision 8 flute T type Single-Angle Chamfering Cutter.
  • Specification:Custom order according NAS standard.
  • Characteristics:
    Apply to cut aviation difficult material of alloy. For fitting the high accuracy request, the tolerance range for each flute of cutter is as the form below.
    Single-Angle Chamfering Cutters / 270.01°
    Code Z T.I.R.Z X T.I.R.X R A1 A2
    1 158.649 0.028 50.052 0.219 0.214 0.4 40.11
    2 158.639 0.028 50.09 0.219 0.201 0.46 39.95
    3 158.637 0.028 50.018 0.219 0.228 0.46 40.06
    4 158.637 0.028 50.014 0.219 0.221 0.48 40.14
    5 158.642 0.028 49.981 0.219 0.216 0.47 40.16
    6 158.645 0.028 49.899 0.219 0.21 0.45 40.12
    7 158.651 0.028 49.983 0.219 0.206 0.36 40.03
    8 158.655 0.028 49.92 0.219 0.224 0.51 40.1

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.


  1. 材料中含有硬度高成分
  2. 硬度或高溫硬度高,加工硬化大
  3. 導熱性差、切削溫度高
  4. 材料強度大,特別是高溫強度大
  5. 易與刀具黏接
  6. 化學活性大

  1. 選用合理的刀具材料
  2. 改善切削條件
    • 機床-夾具-刀具的系統剛性要好。機床各部分間隙要調整好,主軸的徑向跳動要小。夾具裝夾工件要牢固,要有足夠剛性。
    • 要保持刀刃鋒利,以保證排屑流暢,避免粘屑崩刃。
  3. 選擇合理的切削用量
  4. 對被加工材料進行適當的熱處理
  5. 合理設計刀具結構及刀具幾何參數
  6. 選用適當的切削液和供液方法
  7. 採用振動切削、等離子弧加熱切削等新工藝或電火花加工、電解加工等特種加工方法。
  1. 刀具磨損
  2. 主軸損耗
  3. 床台損耗
鈦合金的超高速切削 平原大學 劉莉莉 著
鈦合金材料的機械加工工藝綜述 李樹俠 朴松花 著

Tuesday, March 20, 2012


在銑削加工中,顫振是一種由刀具振動引起的加工不穩定現象,它會在工件表面留下顫振刀痕,而當刀具再次經過這些刀痕時,就會引起更大的振動, 在工件表面產生更深的刀痕,造成工件表面的波浪形和較大的粗糙度,並且加速刀具的磨耗 。如此惡性循環,終極會導致刀具或工件損壞





有外力的作用且振動頻率跟激勵頻率一致。這是在斷續切削而導致的強制振動或者是因轉動零 件有瑕玼而造成的振動,一般常見常見的如軸承的損壞而造成的異音或齒輪嚙合不佳以及工件夾持不佳、主軸擺 幅過大 等現象皆屬此類。這類問題中,斷續車削屬於加工技術問題,而零件瑕玼即大部份來自於工具機的裝配 技術及其關鍵零組件的品質控制,而且也與機台結構設計理念 有關。其特徵為振動的特性與轉數的大小有直接 的關聯。


這是因為切削加工時具有週期性的工作凹凸不平特性造成週期相位的少許錯 開而又反覆重疊的再生效果所產生的影響一般又可稱之為“共振” (Resonance),其主因來自於工具機結構的自 然頻率受到激發或者是工件夾持系統的自頻率過低而受到激發所引起。由於結構的自然頻率只隨夾持或固定 方 式的改變而改變,因此振刀發生時,改變切削條件(如改變轉速)往往以改善切削振動,然 而在某些無法改變切削速度的場合(如攻牙或某些材質的切削),往往只有借助於夾持方式 的變更,甚至於改變刀具刀具固定方 式才能解決這類問題。


將主軸轉速、進給量、切削寬度以及刀具角度等切削參數適當調整,即可抑制顫振的發生。其中 最為突出的是改變主軸轉速的變速切削,對顫振的抑制效果顯著。因為機床整體結構的復雜性,控制顫振的理想 手段應該 可以從其局部部件著手,包括對機床床身、立柱等基礎部件的改進,以提高機床的抗振性能,也可以對 機床的刀具結構進行必要的改進。


  1. 儘量選擇切削阻抗較小的一切條件,亦即最適當的刀具進給速率與切削速度(或主軸轉速)。
  2. 調整切削速度以避開共振。
  3. 減輕造成振動的部份的工作重量,慣性越小越好。
  4. 針對振動最大的地方予以固定或夾持,如中心架、工作保持器等。
  5. 提高加工系統的剛性,例如使用彈性係數較高的刀柄或使用加入動態減振器(Dynamic Damper)的特抗震力,以吸收衝擊能量。
  6. 從刀片與工作旋轉方向下功夫。
  7. 改變刀具的外型與進角。


Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

CNC 5-axis machining technology-Shoe Mold

CNC 5-axis machining technology-Shoe Mold
Shoe mold, usually refers to mould of sports shoes, sandals, slippers, and rubber shoes. Sport shoes is the main among all. Mold made from some processes like injection, extrusion, blow, casting, forging, smelting, stamping, and other methods to get the request mold and tool. It needs different design of mold because of different material. RB, EVA, TPR, etc. are popular material for various application. General speaking, shoe mold belongs to injection mold. There are some exceptions, such as CMEVA, which is combined injection and cold press. And some others are made of blow molding.

5-axis machining technology demonstrated CNC

Grinding up to nano powders

Grinding up to nano powders
Silicon Carbide now is often used as non-oxide ceramic materials. Because it has better hardness, heat resistance, oxidation resistance, corrosion resistance and thermal conductivity than general ceramic materials. Hence it is widely used in structure of mechanical engineering and seal part of chemical engineering, even in extreme tough surroundings like under strong acid, alkali, high abrasion, high temperature and aerospace.
SiC is also known as corundum or silicon-refractory sand. ..Si is produced by smelting with quartz sand, petroleum coke (or coal), wood (green SiC production needs to add salt) and other raw materials at high temperature. Si is mainly divided into black SiC and green SiC, which both are hexagonal, specific gravity 3.20 ~ 3.25, micro hardness 2840 ~ 3320kg/mm2 .. Silicon is often used as non-oxide ceramics materials. Silicon carbide contains some impurities, including silica, silicon, carbon, iron, silicon and aluminum. The commercial benefits of Si are high melting point, hardness, and its Chemistry inertia.
Applied in grinding ceramic powder and other materials.
  1. Before grinding up to micron and nano powders
    Grinding up to nano powders Grinding up to nano powders
  2. After grinding up to micron and nano powders
    Grinding up to nano powders Grinding up to nano powders


一般粗銑刀減少了切削變形,由原來的寬帶切屑分割成數條較窄的切屑,使得銑削過程中切屑的形 成捲曲和排屑情況得以改善,隨之降低了切削抗力,粗銑刀之外周刃為波浪形,由於切屑很細就會斷裂 ,切削抵抗會很小,加工面會呈凹凸不平狀,因此可從事進給大之重切削(粗加工)。

但由於切削振動很大,刀具和機器之接合部很容易變成很粗糙(摩擦腐蝕) ,因此應避免使用於高精 度之機器。特別是乾切削的時候,由於刀具很容易具有高熱,因此應將切削速度降低10至20%左右,以增長刀具壽命。







  1. 切屑容易變形折斷。切削不但有縱向變形,還有橫向變形,所以容易斷屑。
  2. 實際切削刃增長,便於散熱,減低切削力
  3. 切屑與前刀面粘附力小
  4. 切削平穩。在同一斷面上,它相當於不等齒結構,每條刃波峰波谷,錯開,避免週期性振動。
  5. 可用於精加工。它刃口每一點都處於同一圓柱的表面,因此可用於精加工。

Thursday, March 08, 2012

Sharp Top Single Flute Drilling Cutter

tool,Sharp Top Single Flute Drilling Cutter
  1. Product name:Sharp Top Single Flute Drilling Cutter
  2. Characteristics:Specialized in working some materials like acrylic, plastic, and related ones. And work custom order according to special request. Single flute may speed the working period and shorten the time.
Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.


加工工件 加工刀具 加工方式及速度
加工高強度鑄鐵件 CBN、SiN陶瓷、Ti基陶瓷及TiCN塗層刀具 銑削速度可達2200m/min
加工高矽(Si)鑄鋁件 PCD超細硬質合金刀具 銑削速度可達到2200m/min,

加工精鍛結構鋼件 SiN陶瓷、Ti基陶瓷及TiCN塗層刀具 車削速度達200m/min
加工各種精鍛鋼製齒輪(內、外表面加工) 塗複TiCN鍍層的高鈷(Co)粉末冶金高速鋼材質的整體滾刀、剃齒刀及各類拉刀 滾削速度為 110m/min





曲軸的金屬加工工藝流程為:銑端面、定總長、鑽品質中心孔、車大小端外圓→銑主軸頸及軸肩→銑連杆頸及軸肩→車拉主軸頸及沉槽→車拉連杆頸及沉槽→槍鑽油 孔→清洗→圓角滾壓→法蘭鑽孔攻絲→精磨主軸頸(CBN)→精磨連杆頸(CBN)→斜切磨小端→斜切磨法蘭端→車滾止推面、銑鍵槽→動平衡→砂帶拋光主 軸、連杆及法蘭外徑→清洗、冷卻→檢測分類。




今後的發展趨勢是,將普遍採用高速(超高速)乾式切削技術。採用超硬材料製作的各類刀具、複合 (組合)或各類高速切削刀具的結構設計與製造技術將成為刀具品種發展的主導技術。其中無屑加工工藝的搓、擠、滾壓成形類刀具的應用將會更加廣泛;超硬刀具材料發展會更快,應用領域會更加擴大。


Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.

Thursday, March 01, 2012

Precise Engraving Milling Cutter

tool-Precise Engraving Milling Cutter
  1. Product name:Precise Engraving Milling Cutter
  2. Characteristics:Specialized in cutting soft material like acrylic, plastic board, wood plate, …etc for engraving tiny picture and word. We may make custom order according to your special request.
Micro grinding, is a kind of grind skill specialized in fine and tiny carving. It’s a kind of combination of drilling and milling. “Carving” means fine. In industrial field, 90% of carving work cannot be finished by general big cutter, it must use micro grinding cutters. CNC engraving machines is controlled by computer. It needs support of professional CNC engraving technology, skill, and craft to process micro grinding cutter.

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is

endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools,

and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles.

Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials

of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side

milling cutter
, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube

, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior

manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery







等級 使用
洛氏硬度 抗折力 成分
HRA (kg/mm2) 鎢W 鈷Co 鈦Ti 鉭Ta 碳C
P P01 韌性↓大
91.5↑ 70↑ 30-78 4-8 10-40 0-25 7-3
P10 91↑ 90↑ 50-80 4-9 8-20 0-20 7-10
P20 90↑ 110↑ 60-83 5-10 5-15 0-15 6-9
P30 89↑ 130↑ 70-84 6-12 3-12 0-12 6-8
P40 88↑ 150↑ 65-85 7-15 2-10 0-10 6-8
P50 87↑ 170↑ 60-83 9-20 2-8 0-8 5-7
M M10 韌性↓大
91↑ 100↑ 70-86 4-9 3-11 0-11 6-8
M20 90↑ 110↑ 70-86 5-11 2-10 0-10 5-8
M30 89↑ 130↑ 70-86 6-13 2-9 0-9 5-8
M40 87↑ 160↑ 65-85 8-20 1-7 0-7 5-7
K K01 韌性↓大
91.5↑ 100↑ 83-91 3-6 0-2 0-3 5-7
K10 90.5↑ 120↑ 84-90 4-7 0-1 0-2 5-6
K20 89↑ 140↑ 83-89 5-8 0-1 0-2 5-6
K30 88↑ 150↑ 81-88 6-11 0-1 0-2 5-6
K40 87↑ 160↑ 79-87 7-16 -- -- 5-6


等級 工件材料 切削方式 加工條件
P P01 鋼、鑄鋼 精密車削、精密搪削 適用高速鋼切削而進刀量小時,或要求工件的尺寸精度和表面加工成度良好,並在沒有振動狀態下之加工。
P10 鋼、鑄鋼 車削、靠模切削、螺紋切削、銑削 高~中速切削,小~中切削面積,中進刀量,或良好的加工條件下切削。
P20 鋼、鑄鋼、可鍛鑄鐵(長切屑) 車削、靠模切削、銑削、刨削 中速切削,中進刀量,在P系列中用途最廣泛。刨削時進刀量要小,銑削時要有良好的加工條件。
P30 鋼、鑄鋼、可鍛鑄鐵(長切屑) 車削、銑削、刨削 低~中速切削,中~大進刀量,或工件表面硬度粗細不均,進刀量有變化及振動時的不良加工條件。
車削、刨削 低速切削,大進刀量,最不良加工條件下切削。
P50 低~中抗拉強度鋼 車削、刨削 低速切削,大進刀量,最不良加工條件下切削。
有砂孔等之鑄鐵 車削、刨削 低速切削,大進刀量,比P40更不良的加工條件下要求最大韌性之切削。
M M10 鋼、鑄鋼、鑄鐵 車削 中~高速切削,小~中進刀量,或在較良好的加工條件下切削,對於鋼和鑄鐵兩種材料之切削。
高錳鋼、奧斯田鐵鋼、特殊鑄鐵 車削 中~高速切削,小~中進刀量,或在較良好的加工條件下切削。
M20 鋼、鑄鋼、鑄鐵 車削、銑削 中速切削,中進刀量,或在不良加工條件下,對於鋼和鑄鐵兩種材料之切削。
奧斯田鐵鋼、特殊鑄鐵、高錳鋼 車削、銑削 中速切削,中進刀量,或在較良好的加工條件下切削。
M30 鋼、鑄鋼、鑄鐵、奧斯田鐵鋼、特殊鑄鐵、耐熱鋼 車削、銑削、切斷 中速切削,中~大進刀量,或對於厚的黑皮材料及有砂孔、焊接部的材料,比M20更不良加工條件下之切削。
M40 易削鋼、非鐵金屬 車削、切斷 高速切削,中~大進刀量,形狀複雜刀口,在M系列中最需要韌性之加工條件切削。
K K01 鑄鐵 精密車削、精密搪削、細加工銑削 高速切削,小進刀量,無振動時的良好加工條件條件下切削。
K10 冷硬鑄鐵、硬質鑄鐵、淬火鋼 車削 極低速切削,小進刀量,無振動時的良好加工條件條件下切削。
高矽鋁合金、陶器、石棉、硬紙板、石墨 無振動時的良好加工條件條件下切削。
車削、銑削、搪削、拉削、鉸削 中速切削,小進刀量,在K系列中用途比較廣,或比較無振動的加工條件條件下切削。
淬火鋼 車削 低速切削,小進刀量或較小振動的加工條件條件下切削。
矽鋁合金、硬質銅合金、硬質橡膠、玻璃瓷器、塑膠 比較小振動的加工條件條件下切削。
K20 HB220以下鑄鐵 車削、銑削、刨削、鉸削、鑽削 中速切削,中~大進刀量,在K系列中用於一般的加工,或要求有強大任性的加工條件條件下切削。
非鐵金屬材料 要求有強大任性的加工條件條件下切削。
K30 低抗拉強度鋼、低硬度鑄鐵; 車削、銑削、刨削 低速切削,小進刀量,較良好的加工條件下切削。
K40 低硬度非鐵金屬材料、木材 車削、銑削、刨削 切削比K30更不良的加工條件時之切削。

參考資訊來源:刀具設計 黃榮文 著
Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.