Thursday, February 23, 2012

PCD Inserts

PCD Inserts
  • Product:PCD Insert
  • Specification:Custom made according to your request.
  • Characteristics:There are hundreds of cutters designed for alloy wheels. Various cutters specialized for different type of wheels are well-designed. Regarding the pin hole problem of c asting which happens in diameter under 1mm, it may be improved by using PCD cutters. We can make special size (custom made) PCD inserts according to changeable types of wheels.PCD is kind of polycrystal material made by carborundum powder with solvent under high temperature and pressure. The hardness (around HV6000) is lower than natural carborundum. Comparing PCD cutter with carbide cutter, its hardness is triple – quadruple higher; wear resistance and tool life is 50 -100 times higher; promoting cutting speed 5 -20 times; roughness may reach Ra0.05μm. PCD cutter brings high cutting efficiency and stable accuracy.
PCD Inserts

PCD Inserts

Polycrystalline diamond (PCD) complex material is made by mixing fine diamond particles of micron grade, Co, Ni, and other metal powder under high pressure and high temperature, which is a new advanced cutter material sintered on WC substrate. There are many superior benefits of PCD complex, not only high hardness, wear resistance, thermal conductivity, low friction, low thermal expansion, but also with excellent strength and toughness. It has conductivity, so it can be cut by wire electrical discharging machine into required cutting edge. Then we weld the blade on the cutter body and grind it into PCD cutter.

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.



Thursday, February 16, 2012

Electroplated Diamond tools

Electroplated Diamond tools

This type of CBN cutter is specialized for grinding glass parts. The controller should have pecking function to avoid bad chip removal, which is related to CBN particles since the particle size is in proportion to the roughness of surface. We should say “grinding glass” instead of “cutting glass.”The spindle deflection will influence the grinding accuracy. Grinding is based on the consideration of smoothness, flatness, and parallelism. Press the surface of glass slowly and grind it by using abrasive. It is hard to control the smoothness, flatness, and parallelism under speedy cutting.

Grinding can be divided into coarse and fine grinding (fine grinding can be told as polishing). Coarse grinding is with bigger particles, it may increase the efficiency to get rid of thickness. When it reaches predetermined thickness, use find grinding to polish the surface of light transmittance and clarity. This way can restore the clarity of glass surface and light transmission.

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.



刀具材料性能的優劣是影響加工表面品質 、切削加工效率、刀具壽命的基本因素 。切削加工時,直接擔負切削工作的是刀具的切削部分。刀具切削性能的好壞大 多取決於構成刀具切削部分的材料、切削部分的幾何參數 及刀具結構的選擇和設計是否合理。切削加工生產率和刀具耐用度的高低、刀具消耗和加工成本的多少、加工精度和 表面品質的優劣等等,在很大程度上都取決於刀具材料的合理選擇


  1. 較高的硬度和耐磨性;
  2. 足夠的強度和韌度;
  3. 較高的耐熱性;
  4. 良好的技術性和經濟性。


  • 碳素工具鋼:
    含碳量較高的優質鋼(含碳量為0.7%~1.2%,如T10A等),淬 火後硬度較高、價廉,但耐熱性較差。
  • 合金工具鋼刀具材料:
    在碳素工具鋼中加入少量的Cr、W、Mn、Si等元素 ,形成 (如 9SiCr等),可適當減少熱處理變形和提高耐熱性。常用來製造一些切削速度不高的手工工具,如銼刀、鋸 條、鉸刀等,較少用於製造其它刀具。
  • 高速鋼刀具材料:
    它是含W、Cr、V等合金元素較多的合金工具鋼。普通高 速鋼:如W18Cr4V,廣泛地用於製造形狀較為複雜的各種刀具,如麻花鑽、銑刀、拉刀、齒輪刀具和其它成形刀具等。
  • 硬質合金刀具材料:
    硬質合金是由難熔金屬碳化物(如WC、TiC、TaC、NbC 等)和金屬粘結劑(如Co、Ni等)粉末經粉末冶金的方法製成。它的硬度高、耐磨性好、耐熱性高,允許的切削速度比高 速鋼高數倍,但其強度和韌度均較高速鋼低,工藝性也不如高速鋼。因此常製成各種型式的刀片,焊接或機械夾固在車 刀、刨刀、端銑刀等的刀柄(刀體)上使用。
  • 陶瓷或金屬陶瓷刀具材料:
    Al 2O3基和Si3N4基兩類。以氧化鋁或以氮化 矽為基體再添加少量金屬,在高溫下燒結而成的一種刀具材料。有很高的硬度與耐磨性,常溫硬度達91~95HRC; 有很 高的耐熱性,在1200℃高溫下硬度為80HRC;而且高溫條件下抗彎強度、韌性降低極少; 有很高的化學穩定性,陶瓷與 金屬親和力小,高溫抗氧化性能好,即使在熔化溫度下也不與鋼相互作用。因而刀具的粘結、擴散、氧化磨損較少;有 較低的摩擦係數,切屑不易粘刀,不易產生積屑瘤。
  • 超硬(superhard)刀具材料 :
    它包括天然金剛石、聚晶金剛石和聚晶立方 氮化硼3種
    • 天然金剛石:自然界最硬的材料,其硬度範圍在HK8 000~12 000 (HK,Knoop硬度,單位為kgf/mm2),耐熱性為700~800℃。天然金剛石的耐磨性極好,但價格昂貴,主要用於加工精度 和表面粗糙度要求極高的零件,如加工磁片、鐳射反射鏡、感光鼓、多面鏡等。其主要缺點是與鐵族材料有親和作用, 不宜加工鋼和鑄鐵。
    • 聚晶金剛石(PCD):碳的同素異形體,在高溫、高壓下由石墨轉化而 成,是目前人工製造出的最堅硬物質。硬度極高,耐磨性好,切削刃口鋒利,刃部表面摩擦係數較小,不易產生粘結或 積屑瘤,可在大部分場合可替代天然金剛石,可製成各種車刀、鏜刀、銑刀等刀片。
    • 立方氮化硼(CBN):立方氮化硼(CBN)是一種人工合成的新型刀具材料,它由六方氮化硼在高溫、高壓下加入催化劑轉化而 成。有很高的硬度及耐磨性,熱穩定性好,化學惰性大,與鐵系金屬在1300℃時不易起化學反應,導熱性好,摩擦係數 低。







Thursday, February 09, 2012

Acrylic Cutting Tools

Acrylic Cutting Tools

The width of tip bottom is 0.10~0.25mmmm. The surface of work piece is very exquisite, no blunt and any cutting trace, no acrylic remnants left in the flute gap, and the design of central point is very special.

Usually the surface of work piece will become blush after cutting, but our tool with superior design won’t have such problems. Hence, tool for wood cutting or for acrylic cutting should have different design. BW’s cutter is much better than those imported products.

The right photo below displays the ascent facet exquisiteness on the typeface work piece and the grain route.

Acrylic Cutting Tools

The photo below is the complete performance of carving typeface.

Acrylic Cutting Tools

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.



切削刀具的製造過程 :



鎢鋼碳化鎢的俗稱,英文是Tungsten Carbide


※熱等靜壓或熱間等方加壓 (hot isostatic pressing,簡稱HIP)

是一種集高溫、高壓於一體的生產技術,加熱溫度通常為1000 ~2000℃,通過以密閉容器中的高壓惰性氣體或氮氣為傳壓介質,工作壓力可達200MPa。在高溫高壓的共同作用下,被加工件的各向均衡受壓。故加工產品的密度高、均勻性好、性能優異。同時該技術具有生產週期短、工序少、能耗低、材料損耗小等特點。





Thursday, February 02, 2012

BW carbide cutter cut carbide material

BW carbide cutter cut carbide material

Tungsten carbide is divided into ordinary carbide, micro grain carbide, and super micro grain carbide according to its gain size. According to chemical composition, it can be divided into tungsten carbide alloy and titanium carbide alloy.

The major component of Titanium carbide is TiC, bonding with Mo and Ni.

BW develop new type CNC cutters specialized in cutting carbide work piece, HV550°. It is difficult material. We design special geometry, which is different from traditional end mills. Since general end mills will be broken if it cuts carbide mould, BW’s new cutter with new geometry, plus nano surface technology, which may reach smooth surface of work piece and prolong its life. Coating of cutter is advanced. The coating bar contents 15-20% of Si, which may increase its performance on difficult cutting.

BW achieves mission impossible – carbide tool cutting carbide work piece. However, BW got it!Cutting condition: dia R2, S=15000 rpm, Feed 1000, Depth 0.01-0.02mm. The finished products is with the same quality than EDM. It is more cost-saving than PCD diamond tools, so it will be a new solution for electronic mould industry.

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.

Staple Cutter

tool-Staple Cutter


  • Anti-wear products
  • Cutting tools
  • Industrial cutter
  • Electric conduction products

We provide custom-made products of HSS or carbide material, for cutting re-cycle paper and packing industries, according to users’ demand.

Bewise Inc., being a professional manufacturer of various cutting tools, is endeavoring to make excellent products. We are very experienced in custom-made tools, and good at solving customers’ problems when they meet difficulties and troubles. Through everlasting research and practices, we understand thoroughly about different materials of cutters and cutting tools.

BW’s popular products for tool series including circular saw, carbide cutting tool, saw blade, wood saw blade, special tool,side milling cutter, …etc; For machines we have spiral tube cooler, cutter grinder, and the latest design and advanced powder forming machine / pelletizer. Bewise is a superior manufacturer and supplier of cutter production and machinery industry.