Tuesday, August 24, 2010



Bewise Inc. www.tool-tool.com Reference source from the internet.





原圖 原圖




根據調查,每年國內寶特瓶的生產量(包括汽水瓶、清潔劑瓶、沙拉油瓶、醬油瓶),約為二億六千八百多萬支,其中以飲料業為最大,約占 70%,其次為醬油業。然而先前德國海德堡大學教授蕭提克的研究中發現,寶特瓶裝水中銻元素(Antimony)的濃度,會隨著存放的時間拉長而增加(文獻摘要),這項研究發現也引起消費者對寶特瓶含銻問題的重視。

寶特瓶所使用的塑膠原料成分是「聚對苯二甲酸二乙酯」也就是俗稱的PET,目前業界使用的有銻、鍺或鈦系金屬當作PET製程中的觸媒。國內 99%以上的寶特瓶都使用銻(Sb)當作觸媒,僅有相當少數使用鍺(Ge)或鈦(Ti)觸媒,原因在於業者長年的使用習慣。然而,在使用銻作為合成反應的催化劑時,其中90%為三氧化二銻[Sb2O3]或醋酸銻[Sb(CH3COO)3],也因此銻的成份就會混雜在PET材質中,當製作成寶特瓶後,經長時間存放,寶特瓶中的銻就會逐漸溶入瓶裝飲料中。




" 經衛生署評估,於"正常保存條件下"(勿置於高溫或陽光下),寶特瓶裝水所可能溶出的銻含量極為低微,其濃度仍遠低於安全標準,尚不致於對人體健康造成危害。目前我現行食品器具容器包裝衛生標準,已規定寶特瓶(使用PET材質),溶出試驗銻含量應在0.05 ppm以下;另外飲料類衛生標準,亦要求銻之最大容許量為0.15 ppm。





讓我們平心靜氣地試問,台灣的寶特瓶,真的都處於正常的保存條件下嗎? 沒有急性銻中毒的症狀,就表示沒有慢性銻中毒的可能性嗎?


1. 2009年8月,匈牙利的科學家們,發現PET寶特瓶的銻溶出,在氣泡式礦泉水中的量,會大於非氣泡式的;在高溫久置的情形下,寶特瓶中的礦泉水含替量會超過2 ng/ml (研究摘要)。

2. 2008年12月,日本廣島大學發表寶特瓶PET飲料中,銻溶出的原因,主要是PET本身材質的衰變(degradation)所引起的,與原來填充的銻化合物成分或濃度,並無絕對的關係。(研究摘要)

3. 1999年,南韓首爾的預防醫學研究者發現,呼吸道暴露在銻環境中的工人,免疫系統有明顯的異常;這些包括:抵禦細菌侵入的抗體IgG1降低;主導過敏反應的抗體IgE也降低;甚至連與發炎反應有關的諸多細胞素(cytokines),如珈瑪-干擾素(Interferon-gamma),介白質 -2(interleukin-2)等,都有降低的現象。(研究摘要)

4. 2003年,義大利米蘭大學在美國工業醫學雜誌發表,在試管中(in vitro),銻含量升高會刺激細胞內溶小體(lysosome)增加分泌澱粉脢達225%。(研究摘要)

5. 1999年,義大利羅馬的心臟學家,發現在不明原因的擴張型心肌病變(idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy)細胞中,微量重金屬的含量有驚人的增加,尤其以銻(正常之12,000倍)與汞(正常之22,000倍)為最多。(研究摘要)

6. 2009年,東京的公衛學者,發現在主要的有害重金屬中,銻針對哺乳類細胞的基因毒性(genotoxicity)最為明顯,其次則為鉍(Bismuth)。(研究摘要)

7. 河南科技大學在2010年三月的有害物質期刊中,發表以"霧點萃取法"(註一),加上'電熱原子吸收光譜儀"(註二),可以很精細的偵測到水中將近0.2 ng/mL濃度的銻含量。




1. 盡量避免長期飲用氣泡式或久放的寶特瓶飲料。

2. 汽車曝曬在夏天或高溫環境時,先開車門通風三分鐘,等車內空氣流通之後再進車內。

3. 若發現高溫曝曬的車內,放置有寶特瓶裝的水或飲料(加油時之贈品等),奉勸您不要再喝了。

4. 不該拿來微波的材質(尤其是PET),請勿放進微波爐內加熱。


註一 霧點萃取法(CPT,Cloud Point Extraction)是一種利用螯合試劑與分析物結合後再以界面活性劑進行萃取的方法,此方法可以避免樣品基質對分析物造成的光譜性及非光譜性干擾,亦可降低偵測極限。而且相較於傳統的液-液萃取方法,霧點萃取不需使用有機溶劑進行萃取,故較不會對環境造成污染。(參考網頁)

註二 電熱原子吸收光譜儀(electrothermal atomic absorption spectroscopy) : 本方法係利用石墨爐將樣品中的待測元素原子化後測定之。以通過石墨爐的電流大小來控制加熱溫度的高低,使樣品進行乾燥、灰化、原子化溫度等步驟,最後藉由測量氣態原子在特定波長光線的吸光度,求出各元素的濃度。本方法適用於飲用水水質、飲用水水源水質、地面水體、放流水、地下水及廢(污)水中金屬元素之測定,包括鋁、銻、砷、鋇、鈹、鎘、鉻、鈷、銅、鐵、鉛、錳、鉬、鎳、硒、銀和錫等。(參考網頁)



The exposure to and health effects of antimony.

Human health and ecological toxicity potentials due to heavy metal content in waste electronic devices with flat panel displays.

A health hazard evaluation of antimony exposure in fire fighters.

Pseudo-outbreak of antimony toxicity in firefighters - Florida, 2009.

Ubiquitin conjugation of open reading frame F DNA vaccine leads to enhanced cell-mediated immune response and induces protection against both antimony-susceptible and -resistant strains of Leishmania donovani.

Antimony speciation and contamination of waters in the Xikuangshan antimony mining and smelting area, China.

Genotoxicity studies of heavy metals: lead, bismuth, indium, silver and antimony.

[Effects of trivalent antimony on the rat hormonal status under experimental conditions]

Removal of antimony(V) and antimony(III) from drinking water by coagulation-flocculation-sedimentation (CFS).

Applications and societal benefits of plastics.

Toxicity of antimony trioxide nanoparticles on human hematopoietic progenitor cells and comparison to cell lines.

Public health strategies for western Bangladesh that address arsenic, manganese, uranium, and other toxic elements in drinking water.

Antimony-trioxide- and arsenic-trioxide-induced apoptosis in myelogenic and lymphatic cell lines, recruitment of caspases, and loss of mitochondrial membrane potential are enhanced by modulators of the cellular glutathione redox system.

Effects of antimony on aquatic organisms (Larva and embryo of Oryzias latipes, Moina macrocopa, Simocephalus mixtus, and Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata).

Acute erythroid toxicity in visceral leishmaniasis: a rare complication of antimonial therapy.

Solubility and toxicity of antimony trioxide (Sb2O3) in soil.

Transversal immission patterns and leachability of heavy metals in road side soils.

Carcinogenic metal compounds: recent insight into molecular and cellular mechanisms.

In vitro evaluation of the effectiveness and cytotoxicity of meglumine antimoniate microspheres produced by spray drying against Leishmania infantum.

Environmental geochemistry of antimony in Chinese coals.

Acute toxicity of antimony chloride and its effects on oxygen consumption of common carp (Cyprinus carpio).

Exposure to antimony from polyethylene terephthalate (PET) trays used in ready-to-eat meals.

Classification of heavy-metal toxicity by human DNA microarray analysis.

Leaching assessments of hazardous materials in cellular telephones.

Failure of antimony trioxide to induce micronuclei or chromosomal aberrations in rat bone-marrow after sub-chronic oral dosing.

[The antimony conflict]

Influence of antimonite, selenite, and mercury on the toxicity of arsenite in primary rat hepatocytes.

歡迎來到Bewise Inc.的世界,首先恭喜您來到這接受新的資訊讓產業更有競爭力,我們是提供專業刀具製造商,應對客戶高品質的刀具需求,我們可以協助客戶滿足您對產業的不同要求,我們有能力達到非常卓越的客戶需求品質,這是現有相關技術無法比擬的,我們成功的滿足了各行各業的要求,包括:精密HSS DIN切削刀具、協助客戶設計刀具流程、DIN or JIS 鎢鋼切削刀具設計、NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 航太切削刀具,NAS航太刀具設計、超高硬度的切削刀具、醫療配件刀具設計、複合式再研磨機、PCD地板專用企口鑽石組合刀具、粉末造粒成型機、主機版專用頂級電桿、PCD V-Cut刀、捨棄式圓鋸片組、粉末成型機、航空機械鉸刀、主機版專用頂級電感、’汽車業刀具設計、電子產業鑽石刀具、木工產業鑽石刀具、銑刀與切斷複合再研磨機、銑刀與鑽頭複合再研磨機、銑刀與螺絲攻複合再研磨機等等。我們的產品涵蓋了從民生刀具到工業級的刀具設計;從微細刀具到大型刀具;從小型生產到大型量產;全自動整合;我們的技術可提供您連續生產的效能,我們整體的服務及卓越的技術,恭迎您親自體驗!!

BW Bewise Inc. Willy Chen willy@tool-tool.com bw@tool-tool.com www.tool-tool.com skype:willy_chen_bw mobile:0937-618-190 Head &Administration Office No.13,Shiang Shang 2nd St., West Chiu Taichung,Taiwan 40356 http://www.tool-tool.com / FAX:+886 4 2471 4839 N.Branch 5F,No.460,Fu Shin North Rd.,Taipei,Taiwan S.Branch No.24,Sec.1,Chia Pu East Rd.,Taipao City,Chiayi Hsien,Taiwan

Welcome to BW tool world! We are an experienced tool maker specialized in cutting tools. We focus on what you need and endeavor to research the best cutter to satisfy users’ demand. Our customers involve wide range of industries, like mold & die, aerospace, electronic, machinery, etc. We are professional expert in cutting field. We would like to solve every problem from you. Please feel free to contact us, its our pleasure to serve for you. BW product including: cutting tool、aerospace tool .HSS DIN Cutting tool、Carbide end mills、Carbide cutting tool、NAS Cutting tool、NAS986 NAS965 NAS897 NAS937orNAS907 Cutting Tools,Carbide end mill、disc milling cutter,Aerospace cutting tool、hss drill’Фрезеры’Carbide drill、High speed steel、Compound Sharpener’Milling cutter、INDUCTORS FOR PCD’CVDD(Chemical Vapor Deposition Diamond )’PCBN (Polycrystalline Cubic Boron Nitride) ’Core drill、Tapered end mills、CVD Diamond Tools Inserts’PCD Edge-Beveling Cutter(Golden Finger’PCD V-Cutter’PCD Wood tools’PCD Cutting tools’PCD Circular Saw Blade’PVDD End Mills’diamond tool. INDUCTORS FOR PCD . POWDER FORMING MACHINE ‘Single Crystal Diamond ‘Metric end mills、Miniature end mills、Специальные режущие инструменты ‘Пустотелое сверло ‘Pilot reamer、Fraises’Fresas con mango’ PCD (Polycrystalline diamond) ‘Frese’POWDER FORMING MACHINE’Electronics cutter、Step drill、Metal cutting saw、Double margin drill、Gun barrel、Angle milling cutter、Carbide burrs、Carbide tipped cutter、Chamfering tool、IC card engraving cutter、Side cutter、Staple Cutter’PCD diamond cutter specialized in grooving floors’V-Cut PCD Circular Diamond Tipped Saw Blade with Indexable Insert’ PCD Diamond Tool’ Saw Blade with Indexable Insert’NAS tool、DIN or JIS tool、Special tool、Metal slitting saws、Shell end mills、Side and face milling cutters、Side chip clearance saws、Long end mills’end mill grinder’drill grinder’sharpener、Stub roughing end mills、Dovetail milling cutters、Carbide slot drills、Carbide torus cutters、Angel carbide end mills、Carbide torus cutters、Carbide ball-nosed slot drills、Mould cutter、Tool manufacturer.

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(2)Carbide Cutting tools設計














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BW is specialized in R&D and sourcing the most advanced carbide material with high-tech coating to supply cutting / milling tool for mould & die, aero space and electronic industry. Our main products include solid carbide / HSS end mills, micro electronic drill, IC card cutter, engraving cutter, shell end mills, cutting saw, reamer, thread reamer, leading drill, involute gear cutter for spur wheel, rack and worm milling cutter, thread milling cutter, form cutters for spline shaft/roller chain sprocket, and special tool, with nano grade. Please visit our web www.tool-tool.com for more info.

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